Attività Scientifica

Molti professionisti dell’Ospedale pubblicano articoli scientifici su riviste mediche nazionali e internazionali.

Le ricerche condotte riguardano le aree mediche d’elezione della struttura declinate nei vari aspetti in ambito sanitario:

– Terapie farmacologiche, chirurgiche e strumentali
– Studi su dispositivi medici
– Ricerca in tecniche diagnostiche
– Studi Epidemiologici

Tutte le pubblicazioni sono reperibili nei giornali delle società medico – scientifiche  a livello nazionale e nei principali database di riferimento per la letteratura scientifica internazionale, quali e

Di seguito, ordinate per specialità medica, sono riportate le pubblicazioni scientifiche, degli ultimi 5 anni, a cura dei ricercatori dell’Ospedale Israelitico, sottolineati ed evidenziati in neretto.



    • Leone G. et al – NEWSLETTER of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Photodermatology (ESPD) – Presentazione della prossima Giornata Europea di Fotodermatologia a Milano, 7 Settembre 2022 – Congresso EADV.
    • Leone G. et al – [2024] Leone Photobiology – Exploring the impact of solar radiation on skin microbiome
      to develop improved photoprotection strategies 
    • Gilaberte Y, Piquero-Casals J, Schalka S, Leone G, Brown A, Trullàs C, Jourdan E, Lim HW, Krutmann J, Passeron T. Exploring the impact of solar radiation on skin microbiome to develop improved photoprotection strategies. Photochem Photobiol. 2025 Jan-Feb;101(1):38-52.
    • van Geel N, Speeckaert R, Taïeb A, Ezzedine K, Lim HW, Pandya AG, Passeron T, Wolkerstorfer A, Abdallah M, Alomar A, Bae JM, Bekkenk M, Benzekri L, Böhm M, Eleftheriadou V, Esmat S, Ghia D, Goh BK, Grimes P, Gupta S, Hamzavi IH, Harris JE, Oh SH, Huggins R, Katayama I, Lan E, Lee AY, Leone G, Le Poole C, Lui H, Maquignon N, Meurant JM, Monteiro P, Oiso N, Parsad D, Pliszewski G, Raboobee N, Rodrigues M, Rosmarin D, Suzuki T, Tanemura A, Thng S, Xiang F, Zhou Y, Picardo M, Seneschal J. Worldwide expert recommendations for the diagnosis and management of vitiligo: Position statement from the International Vitiligo Task Force Part 1: towards a new management algorithm. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Nov;37(11):2173-2184. 
    • Seneschal J, Speeckaert R, Taïeb A, Wolkerstorfer A, Passeron T, Pandya AG, Lim HW, Ezzedine K, Zhou Y, Xiang F, Thng S, Tanemura A, Suzuki T, Rosmarin D, Rodrigues M, Raboobee N, Pliszewski G, Parsad D, Oiso N, Monteiro P, Meurant JM, Maquignon N, Lui H, Le Poole C, Leone G, Lee AY, Lan E, Katayama I, Huggins R, Oh SH, Harris JE, Hamzavi IH, Gupta S, Grimes P, Goh BK, Ghia D, Esmat S, Eleftheriadou V, Böhm M, Benzekri L, Bekkenk M, Bae JM, Alomar A, Abdallah M, Picardo M, van Geel N. Worldwide expert recommendations for the diagnosis and management of vitiligo: Position statement from the international Vitiligo Task Force-Part 2: Specific treatment recommendations. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Nov;37(11):2185-2195. 
    • Post NF, Rodrigues MA, Liong-A-Jin C, Lommerts A, Abdallah M, Bae JM, Bekkenk MW, Silva de Castro CC, Eleftheriadou V, Esmat S, Ezzedine K, van Geel N, Hamzavi I,Leone GPandya AG, Passeron T, Raboobee N, Seneschal J, Steven Th’ngWolkerstorfer A. Consensus on the safety and risks of laser and intense pulse light treatments in patients with vitiligo: An e-Delphi study. Am Acad Dermatol. 2023 Aug;89(2):352-354.
    • Post NF, Van Broekhoven NX, Lommerts A, Bae JM, Bekkenk MW, de Castro CCS, Eleftheriadou V, Esmat S, Ezzedine K, van Geel N, Hamzavi I, Leone G, Pandya AG, Passeron T, Rodrigues MA, Seneschal J, Th’ng S, Wolkerstorfer A. Expert opinion about laser and intense pulsed light (IPL)-induced leukoderma or vitiligo: a cross-sectional survey study. Arch Dermatol Res. 2023 Oct;315(8):2289-2294. 
    • Bertolotti A, Leone GTaïeb A, Soriano E, Pascal M, Maillard H, van Geel N. Assessment of Non-cultured Autologous Epidermal Cell Grafting Resuspended in Hyaluronic Acid for Repigmenting Vitiligo and Piebaldism Lesions: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021 Jul 30;101(7). 
    • Paro Vidolin A, Leone GEvaluation of the effect of a topical cream containing piperine in inducing repigmentation combined with narrow band UVB phototherapyin patients with vitiligoJOURNAL of PLASTIC and PATHOLOGY DERMATOLOGY vol. 18 – n. 1; 119-128  2022. 
    • Leone G., Vidolin, A. P., Colombo, F., Milani, M. (2024). Auto-Occlusive Lidocaine 7% and Tetracaine 7% Cream has Greater Pain Reduction Effects in Comparison with Lidocaine 4% Cream during Laser CO2 Dermabrasion Procedure in Preparation of Non-Cultured Autologous Epidermal Cell Grafting for Repigmentation in Vitiligo Subjects. An Intrasubject Pilot Evaluation Study. Dearma J Cosmetic Laser Therapy, 3(1), 01- 04. 2024.
    • J.H.Hagman, P.Piemonte, P.Casareale, G.Pagnanelli, A.ParoVidolin, G.Nini. Dermatomiosite paraneoplastica e carcinoma a cellule transizionali dell’ovaio Derm.Clin N.1/1998. 
    • S.Gatti, G.Pagnanelli, P.Piemonte, A.ParoVidolin, E.Campione, R.Soda   Vasculite leucocitoclasica crioglobulinemia epatite C Dermatologia clinica N.4 ottobre-dicembre 1998. 
    • AM.Carrozzo, S.Gatti, G.Ferranti, G.Primavera, A.ParoVidolin, G.Nini Calcipotriol treatment of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis –Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome  JEADV (2000) 14,131-133.
    • I.De Simoni P.Piemonte, A.ParoVidolin, S.Gatti, S.Chimenti  Fibroma pendulo gigante Int.J.Imm.Phar.Marzo/Giugno 2000;13,117. 
    • J.Hagman, E.Campione, AM.Carrozzo, A.ParoVidolin, S.Chimenti  Pioderma gangrenoso ed immunoglobuline umane endovena ad alte dosi  Int.J.Imm.Phar.Marzo/Giugno 2000;13,119. 
    • L.Bianchi, A.ParoVidolin, P.Piemonte, I.Carboni, S.Chimenti  Graham Little-Piccardi-Lassueur syndrome: effective treatment with cyclosporin A Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2001; 26,518-520. 
    • J.H.Hagman, L.Bianchi, E.Campione, A.ParoVidolin, S.Chimenti Dermatomyositis associated with ovarian transitional cell carcinoma JAAD 2001;45:642-644.
    • R.Soda, A.ParoVidolin, L.Bianchi, S.Chimenti   A 2-year history of asymptomatic scalp nodule Arch Dermatol 2001.  
    • G.Leone,P Iacovelli, A.ParoVidolin, M.Picardo  Monochromatic Excimer Light in the treatment of Vitiligo: a pilot study..JEADV 2003;17,531-537. 
    • P.Iacovelli, G.Leone, A.ParoVidolin  Gestione del paziente con Vitiligine.. Dermatologia Ambulatoriale. AnnoXI N°I Gennaio-Marzo 2003. 
    • Diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions by dermoscopy: web based training improves diagnostic performance of non-experts Pagnanelli G et al.Br J Dermatol.2003 Apr;148(4):698-702. 
    • P.Iacovelli, A.ParoVidolin, G.Leone.  Méta-analyse de la photothèrapie du vitiligo Les Nouvelles Dermatologiques. Volume 22 N°6-Cahier 1, Juin 2003. 
    • P.Iacovelli, J.Sinagra, A.ParoVidolin, S.Marenda, B.Capitanio, G.Leone, M.Picardo  Relevance of Thyroiditis and of Other Autoimmune Diseases in Children with Vitiligo Dermatology 2005;210:26-30. 
    • Leone G, Pacifico A, Iacovelli P, Paro Vidolin A, Picardo M  Tacalcitol and narrow-band phototherapy in patients with vitiligo Clin Exp Dermatol. 2006; 31:200-5. 
    • Casacci M, Thomas P, Pacifico A, Bonnevalle A, A.ParoVidolin, Leone G Comparison between 308 nm monochromatic excimer light and narrow band UVB phototherapy (311-313nm) in the treatment of vitiligo. A multicenter controlled study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2007; 21: 956-63 
    • Dell’Anna ML, Ottaviani M, Albanesi V, A.ParoVidolin, Leone G, Ferraro C, Cossarizza A, Rossi L, Picardo M.   Membrane lipid alterations as a possible basis for melanocyte degeneration in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 2007;  127: 1226-1233 
    • Dell’Anna ML, Mastrofrancesco A, Sala R, Venturini M, Ottaviani M, A.ParoVidolin, Leone G, Calzavara PG, Westerhof W, Picardo M.   Antioxidants and narrow band UVB in the treatment of vitiigo: a double blind placebo controlled trial. Clinical Exp Dermatol 2007; 32: 631-636 
    • Efficacy of tacalcitol ointment and 308 nm monochromatic excimer light (308 nm MEL) in the treatment of persistent plaque psoriasis.  Pacifico A, Di Carlo A, A.ParoVidolin, Leone G. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008; 58 (Suppl 2): AB4 
    • A.ParoVidolin, Pacifico A, Iacovelli P, Leone G Utilizzo di un nuovo kit commerciale nel trapianto autologo di sospensione cellulare epidermica nella vitiligine. Esperienze Dermatologiche 2014; 16 (4):179-82 
    • G.Leone, A.ParoVidolin. Effect of an antioxydant cream versus placebo in patients with vitiligo in association with excimer laser. G Ital.Dermatol.Venereol.2015;150:461-6 
    • Pacifico A, Leone G, Ferraro C, A.ParoVidolin, Muscardin L.  Indeterminate cellhystiocitisis: a case treated with ultraviolet B narrow band phototherapy. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2017;33:329-333 
    • A.ParoVidolin, Aurizi C, Leone G Phototherapy for vitiligo, what’s new? G Ital dermatol Venereol 2017; 152(5):474-88 
    • A.ParoVidolin, L .Barbieri, C. Aurizi. A. Macrì, G. Leone Narrowband UVB phototherapy in EPP: A retrospective review of patient experience. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2017;33:347-350. 
    • A.ParoVidolin, L. Barbieri, C. Aurizi, G. Leone Combination of Excimer Lamp and conventional NB UVB phototherapy in psoriasis. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2018;34:354-357. 
    • A.ParoVidolin, G. Leone Dedicated photoprotection in dermatology.Journal of Plastic and Pathology Dernmatology, Special Issue-n 1-2021. 
    • A.ParoVidolin Acne:PDT o Fototerapia ? Scelta guidata in base al meccanismo di azione. Italian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology.2021 Vol.156-Suppl.1 to N.5.
    • Giovanni Leone, A.ParoVidolin, Francesca Colombo and Massimo Milani. Auto-Occlusive Lidocaine 7% and Tetracaine 7% Cream has Greater Pain Reduction Effects in Comparasion with Lidocaine 4% Cream during Laser CO2 Dermabrasion Procedure in Preparation of Non-Cultured Autologous Epidermal Cell Grafting for Repigmentation in Vitiligo Subjects.An Intrasubject Pilot Evaluation Study. Dermatology Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy.2024 Volumr 3.Issue 1/4 . 





    • Giovanni Paolino, MD, PhD, Santo Raffaele Mercuri, MD, Boulos Mansour, MD, Matteo Riccardo Di Nicola, MSc, Manuela Carrera, MD, Silvia Taccogna, MD, Vittoria Giulia Bianchi, MD, Pietro Donati, MD, and Michele Donati, MD, PhDb, Plaque-type verrucous porokeratosis of the back –JAAD Case Reports 2022 Volume 29